If you manage websites that involve user registrations, I'm sure you have come across users who use services such as mailinator to register. While these services are definitely handy, the users who use them generally tend to be spammers or those that don't necessarily plan to stay on at your website. The following is a list of sites / services / domains that provide services similar to mailinator, and have found their way into my block list.
- 2prong.com
- miquosoft.com
- 10minutemail.com
- bugmenot.com
- despam.it
- disposable-email.com
- dodgeit.com
- dodgit.com
- dontreg.com
- e4ward.com
- emailmiser.com
- emailwarden.com
- enterto.com
- myspamless.com
- gishpuppy.com
- guerrillamail.com
- haltospam.com
- jetable.org
- kasmail.com
- maileater.com
- mailexpire.com
- mailinator.com
- klassmaster.com
- mailinator.net
- mailinator2.com
- mailin8r.com
- sogetthis.com
- mailmoat.com
- mailnull.com
- mierdamail.com
- mintemail.com
- mytrashmail.com
- trashymail.com
- nobulk.com
- pookmail.com
- sneakemail.com
- spam.la
- spamavert.com
- spambob.com
- spambob.net
- spambob.org
- spambox.us
- spamcero.com
- spamex.com
- spamfree24.org
- inbox2.info
- nullbox.info
- spamfree24.com
- spamfree24.net
- spamfree24.info
- spamgourmet.com
- antichef.com
- antichef.net
- dfgh.net
- neverbox.com
- recursor.net
- spamcannon.net
- spameater.org
- spamgourmet.org
- xoxy.net
- spamhole.com
- fificorp.com
- fificorp.net
- bodhi.lawlita.com
- golfilla.info
- mail.htl22.at
- mail.misterpinball.de
- mail.svenz.eu
- mx0.wwwnew.eu
Services that seem to have died:
- anoninbox.com
- greensloth.com
- ipoo.org
- regbypass.com
- spamday.com
- spamspot.com
Please help correct errors and fill up missing information. Cheers!
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Spammers or victims of spammers
Users of such email adresses may as well be legitimate persons who don't want to get spammed
Or they may be spammers...
Or they may be spammers... it's up to the admin to decide. If the admin is OK with letting users use disposable addresses, he might as well just open up his site to anonymous users.