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James Bond


Submitted by Druss on Mon, 2013-01-28 12:09

So, a Bond film directed by the chap who helmed American Beauty. It would be reasonable for us to expect a different approach, and there certainly is one. Unfortunately, there are way too many contrivances in the plot that are used to bring this about with the end result seeming haphazard and dreary. One minute we are busy in the heart of London and the next we are in the Scottish moors exploring Bond's childhood as part of an insipid climax. There is no build-up at all.

The Best Bonds

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2012-04-27 23:14

I suppose that the theatrical apex for acting roles would be something like Hamlet in a lavish production. The equivalent in movies could only be that of James Bond. Not only is the actor assisted by ridiculously high budgets, he is guaranteed a success as around a billion eyeballs will watch him with interest and is assured of instant immortality as I suspect that nobody will ever forget the character of James Bond. The following is a list of actors who have portrayed Bond in my order of preference.

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