Virtualdub : mp3 compression limited to 56 Kbps

Submitted by Druss on Tue, 2006-07-25 23:19

I am a big fan of VirtualDub. While my systems usually have the LAME encoder installed, this system (laptop, not mine) didn't. So, when I opened up the VirtualDub audio compression panel, I found that the maximum compression for the mp3 codec was limited to 56 Kbps. With the advent of VideoLAN etc., I've tried to keep separate codec installations to a minimum.

Opera or Firefox

Submitted by Druss on Mon, 2006-07-17 12:37

A couple of the guys at work were having this rather inane argument yesterday on which was the better browser - Opera or Firefox.. apparently vi vs. emacs is no longer 'in' any more :S I generally keep away from these ultimately inconclusive arguments, but I thought that I might blog about it..

So here's my take on it (Versions: FF Opera: 9.0). This is something of a draught at the moment:

Firefox plus points:

  • Free and Open Source.
  • Extensions, extensions, extensions.. the biggest plus point of Firefox.
  • Vibrant developer community.
  • Second most popular browser out there.

Getting free stuff off the net the 0ld sk001 w4y :S

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2006-07-14 20:06

While it has become rather easy to score stuff off the net thanks to p2p piracy, there is another old skool (sic) method of getting the goodies that many people aren't aware of - via a search engine.

This relies on the fact that lotsa people (fucking idiots if you ask me) dump a shit load of stuff on their web servers to share with their friends, for a temporary back-up or whatever, and totally forget about it. They don't realise that web crawlers will index these pages and essentially make them public in no time.

A guide to IMDb

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2006-07-14 16:22

An all too frequent quandary that I used to get myself into, was in choosing a good movie to watch on the weekend.. However, with the advent of the Internet and sites like IMDb, this has become a thing of the past.. Here's a quickly put tpgether list of what I do / use nowadays to select a movie..

  • IMDb rating lists: This is more or less the be all and end all of rating lists out there. The Top 250 list and Top films by genre are pretty much all that you will usually need to choose a decent flick. The chart listings page provides a more convenient menu (on the left) to do the same thing.


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