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Flac decoding: FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_ERROR_STATUS_LOST_SYNC / ERROR, MD5 signature mismatch

Submitted by Druss on Tue, 2008-07-22 23:56

I use SoundKonverter to accomplish all my ripping and trans-coding tasks. It's something of a front-end for all the command-line apps and is a serious time saver.

However, today, while converting a FLAC file to MP3, I found that I just ended up with a 2kb file with no error message of any sort. Subsequently, I tried using the command-line flac decoder (v1.21) to see what was going on and ended up with an error: FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_ERROR_STATUS_LOST_SYNC. The program exited immediately thereafter.

To get around this, I had to use the switch -F which disregards any stream errors. Even so, I ended with another error notice: ERROR, MD5 signature mismatch, which implied, rightly, that I had some corruption in my output file. That said, when I did listen to the track, I could not hear any noticeable irregularities.