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Installation Failed: D:\I386\asms (Incorrect Function)

Submitted by Druss on Wed, 2009-06-10 12:21

During a fresh install of Windows XP SP3, upon reboot after the initial copying of files, I ran into an error message stating that there were CRC checksum issues with a file on my CD-ROM, namely D:\i386\asms.(sys?). Google divined that I very likely had a problem with the disc media... but considering the fact that I've installed XP using the same media very recently, I doubted this to be the case.

However, there definitely appeared to be CD-ROM related issues and so, I swapped the DVD-drive from another system and used that instead. Boom!,Windows setup proceeded smoothly this time around :)

I did, however, restart the entire setup process just to be on the safe side. You never know with Windows ...