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apt-get timing out during apt-get/aptitude updates

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2016-09-09 02:23

On a fresh Debian 8 (Jessie) install, I found that I couldn't update the package repository using apt because was always timing out. While I initially thought this was because of a mirroring issue oslt, it turns out that it's because I was trying to access it via the IPV6 that my VPS was using. Turns out that the fix is reasonably straightforward. You simply tell apt not to bother with ipv6 and simply use ipv4 … like so:

echo 'Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4

Disable pop-ups for an unattended/non-interactive apt-get install in Ubuntu/Debian

Submitted by Druss on Mon, 2014-08-25 17:37

So, here I was writing a script that would automate the installation of a package in Ubuntu 14.04 and all was going swimmingly. Until I ran it. You know how some apt-get installs sometimes involve a technicolor pop-up that asks you for stuff? Well, those pop-ups interrupted my script which didn't proceed further. After much digging, I found that there are a couple of solutions for this:

dpkg cannot install as there's no space left on the device even though there is

Submitted by Druss on Thu, 2012-11-22 23:46

I ran into this issue a couple of days ago and cannot recall the exact error message. However, the problem was effectively that aptitude could not install the new kernel update because my partition had apparently run out of space. An interrupted update to Klipper is one thing and the Linux kernel a whole 'nother kettle of fishies. Thinking that I simply needed to free up some space on my partition, I checked the current status via df.

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