Lewis Ganson - The art of close up magic

Submitted by Druss on Tue, 2011-04-05 01:39

The following are the table of contents of the book The art of close up magic by Lewis Ganson along with a brief synopsis/comment. These tables used to reside at magicref.tripod.com . But seeing as to how tripod.com is now defunct (this turned out to be a rumour; see comments), I thought it worthwhile to archive a copy of this handy page on this site.

Recovering an accidentally closed tab in Google Chrome

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2011-04-01 00:51

I have gotten used to relying on Opera's tab recycle bin feature to reopen closed tabs. However, earlier today, I found myself accidentally closing a tab in Google Chrome, and what's more I had an unfinished forum comment which I had worked on for 20 minutes in said tab. When I saw no recycler icon in the tab bar and no obvious feature in the preferences or options sections, I panicked.

Uninstalling plugins from Eclipse 3.6 (Helios)

Submitted by Druss on Sat, 2011-03-19 01:56

I had to do a clean install of Eclipse today and found myself stuck with a dodgy plug-in (subversive). However, when I went to the Help menu, I did not find any option to uninstall software. IIRC, there was something along the lines of Manage configuration here where you could go to makes changes and uninstall plug-ins.

Episodes to avoid in the Star Trek franchise

Submitted by Druss on Thu, 2011-03-03 22:19

Over the last few months, I have run through the entire list of episodes for Star Treks TNG, DS9 and Voyager. As you can imagine, not all episodes are very good and some are downright insipid. The following are the rules of thumb that I have arrived at when deciding whether to skip an episode:

File renaming using sed and xargs: Prefixing all filenames with a 0 from the commandline

Submitted by Druss on Tue, 2011-01-25 00:56

Earlier today, I wanted to prefix a number of image files on a server with a 0. If this was on my desktop, I would have simply used a graphical tool such as the excellent Métamorphose. However, in this case, only a command-line was available. While Google threw up a number of bash scripts, I was curious to see if this could be done in a cleaner and more concise manner. Following the excellent reference to sed and more Google magicking, I arrived at

Eclipse: Galileo to Helios upgrade error message - Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine

Submitted by Druss on Tue, 2010-11-02 00:11

I just finished upgrading Eclipse from Galileo to the new Helios release. I performed the upgrade by adding Helios to the software sources list and updating and all seemed to go well. However, when I restarted Eclipse, I got a splash image which indicated that the upgrade had gone through and then ran into the following error message:
Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine

TortoiseSVN: Cleanup failed to process the following paths

Submitted by Druss on Wed, 2010-10-13 21:06

When I attempted to make a commit using TortoiseSVN today, I was told that there was a problem and that I would have to run the cleanup command to sort things out. Running the command, however, resulted in the following further error message:
Cleanup failed to process the following paths:

Vim: Going to the nth character in a file

Submitted by Druss on Sun, 2010-08-15 00:05

I ran into an error message today that only specified the character number in a configuration file without making any reference to the line number. Rather odd. In any case, since Vim (and my usual preference, GVim) is an excellent editor, I expected this to be a cinch. Unfortunately, a few minutes of head-scratching later, I was still quite clueless as to how to accomplish this seemingly routine task.

I do know that typing:
will move the cursor to the 1000th line in the file.


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