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Mplayer: gnome_screensaver_control() error message

Submitted by Druss on Mon, 2007-11-12 12:39

If you constantly see a gnome_screensaver_control error dialog when you open Mplayer in Kubuntu, you can fix it by unchecking the "Stop XScreenSaver" option in Mplayer preferences (under the Misc tab). The preferences and other menu options can be reached by right-clicking on either the video or controls windows.

Looks like a packaging issue.


Thanks for the tip!

Thanks for the tip!

Where do you find mplayer preferences?
I have a mplayer video window and a separate mplayer control window. Clicking on the title bars of both windows only has settings for the Kwin and KDE control module.

Simply right-click on either of those windows to access the menu options. I've updated my post with this information as well. Thanks.

Thanks a mint, I right clicked and left clicked everywhere but inside the window. Thanks again

The same can be achieved for the cli interface to mplayer by adding the following to your ~/.mplayer/config:
stop-xscreensaver = "no"