Disposable / temporary e-mail providers

Submitted by Druss on Thu, 2007-08-30 21:51

If you manage websites that involve user registrations, I'm sure you have come across users who use services such as mailinator to register. While these services are definitely handy, the users who use them generally tend to be spammers or those that don't necessarily plan to stay on at your website. The following is a list of sites / services / domains that provide services similar to mailinator, and have found their way into my block list.

  1. 2prong.com
    • miquosoft.com
  2. 10minutemail.com

Error: Missing Dependency: glibc-common = 2.3.4-2.25 is needed by package glibc-dummy-centos-4

Submitted by Druss on Thu, 2007-08-30 13:01

CentOS 4.5 (final)
Plesk 8.2

When I ran YUM to update my server, I ran into a dependency error:
Error: Missing Dependency: glibc-common = 2.3.4-2.25 is needed by package glibc-dummy-centos-4

How to access linux ext3 partitions from Windows

Submitted by Druss on Mon, 2007-08-27 03:03

One of my linux boxen (my fastest with the best hardware) died a couple of days ago :( Motherboard issues. My two other Kubuntu boxen are stocked with hard drives and therefore, when I wanted to retrieve data from the hard drive of my busted PC, I didn't want to risk fucking around with the already overloaded PSUs of said boxen. However, my sole Windows box was pretty free, but obviously Windows does not understand Ext3.

itsyourturn.com - online scrabble and more

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2007-08-24 12:28

A friend put me onto itsyourturn.com a few days ago. The concept is not unlike other turn-based on-line games available around the Internet. However, while other sites (that I am aware of) concentrate pretty much on one game, here, there is a whole host of games available for you to waste your time on, and you aren't restricted to just one game at a time. So, you can be playing 5 scrabble (known as Jamble for trademark reasons I suppose) games, 5 backgammon, 5 ... etc. all simultaneously.


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