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Vim: Rejoin paragraph with forced line breaks / hard-wrapped multiple lines

Submitted by Druss on Sun, 2014-06-29 00:42

Some documents contain paragraphs which are wrapped often at the 80 character mark to help with formatting and readability. This is sometimes accomplished using forced line breaks which can be quite annoying especially when you want to reverse it as I did earlier today. Rather than messing with regex and weird edge cases, use Vim which provides a lovely solution! Here it be:

Resolving merge conflicts fixed manually in Eclipse/eGit

Submitted by Druss on Tue, 2012-01-03 23:03

I'm using Eclipse (Indigo) and eGit, its Git plugin. Earlier today, when I merged the contents of one branch with my master, I ran into a bunch of conflicts. While I suspect that I should have used the "Team > Merge Tool" to resolve them, as they were rudimentary in nature, I just sorted them out manually. However, eGit did not notice that the conflicts (and their in-file markers) were gone and retained the conflicted icon for each of the affected files.

Vim E303: Unable to open swap file for "[No Name]", recovery impossible

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2011-09-30 14:04

On a new installation of GVim (in Windows 7), I ran into the following curious error whenever I tried to open a new document for editing:
Vim E303: Unable to open swap file for "[No Name]", recovery impossible

According to friendly chap on IRC, this is caused by a temporary directory bug and that it can be fixed by adding the following directive to the _vimrc file:
set directory=.,$TEMP

Vim/Gvim and missing line numbers in the interface

Submitted by Druss on Sat, 2011-09-24 00:32

I'm not sure whether it was something I did, something that the Vim developers did, or an anomaly with the Windows 7 binary, but I could no longer see the line number and cursor position tracker in the bottom right of my interface. Looking at the menus, I could find nothing. I could turn on a line number prefix for each bleeding line, but this is not what I was after.

Configuring Vim/Gvim to use spaces instead of TABs for indentation

Submitted by Druss on Wed, 2011-08-10 03:00

Some people like to indent their code using TABs. I used to like doing this. I still think that it's a good idea. But circumstances have dictated for the past several years that I need to indent using spaces instead. My favourite command-line editor in Linux and text editor in Windows is VIM / Gvim (where Gvim is basically Vim with a GUI). To configure this editor to override its default and use spaces instead of TABs for indentation, perform the following steps:

Vim: Going to the nth character in a file

Submitted by Druss on Sun, 2010-08-15 00:05

I ran into an error message today that only specified the character number in a configuration file without making any reference to the line number. Rather odd. In any case, since Vim (and my usual preference, GVim) is an excellent editor, I expected this to be a cinch. Unfortunately, a few minutes of head-scratching later, I was still quite clueless as to how to accomplish this seemingly routine task.

I do know that typing:
will move the cursor to the 1000th line in the file.

Vim: Scrolling a file with no line-breaks

Submitted by Druss on Sat, 2010-08-14 23:56

When a file has no line-breaks and is just one single line, navigating line by line is obviously not an option. Some editors wrap the text and treat each pseudo-line as a separate element and allow us to scroll through them. Others don't. Vim, by default doesn't.

Or to be more precise, Vim (and GVim) do not allow us to scroll through such files using the arrow keys. Instead, the following short-cuts do the business:

Scroll up: g, k / g, up
Scroll down: g, j / g, down
Beginning of the line: g, ^ [i.e. g, SHIFT + 6 on a keyboard with a US layout]

Removing trailing whitespace in Eclipse

Submitted by Druss on Sun, 2007-06-24 17:30

I suck at regex. But the fact that Eclipse leaves trailing whitespace everywhere is pretty fucking annoying. Although, this will apparently be solved in 3.3, that's still a month or so away (IIRC). Anyways, while I normally just use a   $ regex search (whitespace switches don't like working in Eclipse's find dialog) to repeatedly weed out the bastards, today, I came across a more robust expression. Here goes:

Find: [\t ]+(?:(\n)|$)

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