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Adding a custom (service) menu to KDE's Dolphin (to queue a folder in VLC)

Submitted by Druss on Sat, 2015-08-29 22:07

I was looking for a way to add a custom context (right-click) menu to KDE's Dolphin (in Kubuntu 14.10, Utopic) that (much like in Windows) would allow me to enqueue an entire folder/directory in Videolan. Many of the examples that I looked at were rather sketchy or incomplete. Here's a simple working example that might be of help to someone else out there. You can modify it appropriately to get it working for other applications as well.

Zoom player is the Shiznit! Props to the CCCP

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2007-04-06 14:58

Except for listening to music (for which I still rely on WinAMP), I used to rely wholly on the VLC player for all my media playback needs. I am a big fan of its versatility, cross-platform availability and general ability to play just about anything. However, this is no longer completely true.

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