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Amarok's folly

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2015-01-30 22:13

The title sounds like the name of a fantasy novel ... but I'm of course talking (or, as you, stranger of the Internet, will find out, ranting) about the KDE audio player. Amarok is the default audio player for KDE which makes it the default audio player of Kubuntu, my Linux distro of choice. Now, some history before I begin spitting all over you. I usually use Windows as my primary desktop.

Why OpenAtrium sucks

Submitted by Druss on Sat, 2014-08-16 20:17

OpenAtrium is a Drupal "distribution", a pre-packaged Drupal installation which targets a particular niche. I was told to consider it when I went looking for a support ticket package a couple of years ago. That project fell by the wayside but I did have a demo installation on my system and now that I do need to install a ticket management system again, I looked at resurrecting this installation and updating it for some snazzy new features.

CDisplayEx and full screen views

Submitted by Druss on Wed, 2011-04-13 13:25

I'm a big fan of comics and when on Windows, I tend to use CDisplayEx as my preferred reader of choice for .cbr and .cbz files. When on my desktop, I enjoy reading comics in full screen glory. I like each page fitting the entire width of my screen and scroll down the page, if need be, to reach any hidden panels. This allows me to realise the full impact of the art and makes for comfortable viewing.

TortoiseSVN: Cleanup failed to process the following paths

Submitted by Druss on Wed, 2010-10-13 21:06

When I attempted to make a commit using TortoiseSVN today, I was told that there was a problem and that I would have to run the cleanup command to sort things out. Running the command, however, resulted in the following further error message:
Cleanup failed to process the following paths:

Windows 7: ping outputs a general failure message

Submitted by Druss on Sat, 2010-06-05 10:32

Here I was, earlier today, simply trying to swap the default gateway of the Ethernet card of my Windows 7 box, and ran into the following peculiarity. First off, as soon as I swapped the gateway, my Ethernet connection went down. To investigate this, I popped into the command-line and tried pinging the new gateway only to run into the error message below:
General failure.

OOO Calc: Autofilter hiding rows after removal

Submitted by Druss on Mon, 2010-03-01 11:14

Off late, I have had to use's Calc quite regularly. While it generally works quite well, it has a lot of wonky little bugs that can be quite frustrating. One of these has to do with the autofilter.

When using the autofilter, you will, on occasion find that once you are done using it and try to remove it, a number of rows, usually empty, will be missing post-removal. The following are steps/tools that might help you recover these rows:

    Finding out CPU temperatures

    Submitted by Druss on Sat, 2010-01-30 10:57

    Last week, I noticed that my computer was becoming really sluggish and the fans, extremely noisy. Seeing as to how I had an inkling that this was due to my CPU heating up or rather, not being cooled enough, and the fact that Windows wasn't telling me what the temperature was, I was in the hunt for a utility to report CPU temperatures in real time. I could, of course, check it via my BIOS. But I wanted a utility to be able to run under load.

    Compiling and installing KTorrent 3.3RC1 on Kubuntu Karmic

    Submitted by Druss on Sat, 2009-11-07 20:30

    Compiling KTorrent 3.3 RC1 on Kubuntu 9.10 Karmic with KDE 4.3:

    Update 1: This works with 3.3 final as well.
    Update 2: This works with 4.0 beta1 as well.

    1. Install cmake and related tools:
      sudo apt-get install cmake automoc build-essential gettext
    2. Install other required libraries:
      sudo apt-get install kdelibs5-dev kdebase-workspace-dev kdepimlibs5-dev python-kde4 libboost-dev libtag1-dev libqca2-dev libgmp3-dev

    Windows XP: find uptime

    Submitted by Druss on Wed, 2009-06-24 00:18

    I had no idea how long the windows box I'm using has been up for... While on Linux, I could've just typed uptime to find out, it appears that m$ never expected their systems to be up long enough to bother with such a utility.

    A little digging around and some experimentation unearthed the following methods for finding this out on XP:

    1. Open a command prompt and type "systeminfo" and look for "system up time". This might require an updated system.

    What is vjOcx1.9?

    Submitted by Druss on Tue, 2009-06-23 01:22

    While doing some routine cleaning up of installed programs on my Windows box, I ran into an entry that simply said "vjOcx1.9"... I had no idea what this was, nor was any related information terribly helpful. Some googling later, I found that that this is very like connected to TV4Africa, a p2p TV player that IIRC, I installed to watch snooker via the net (It didn't work).

    Hope this helps somebody out there :)


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