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What does SLAM support do for robotic vacuum cleaners?

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2019-02-01 14:31

Lots of guides and specifications for robotic vacuum cleaners like the Roomba, Xiaomi Roborock, Dyson, etc. talk about the product being "SLAM-based" without offering any explanation as to what that is. Well, SLAM stands for Simultaneous localization and mapping and it is used in robotics to, as the name suggests, construct and update a map of an unknown environment while simultaneously keeping track of an robot's location within it.

Hearthstone: Playonlinux install suddenly not working after update

Submitted by Druss on Thu, 2018-01-11 01:57

If your WiNE or Playonlinux installation of Hearthstone or Blizzard's Battle.Net client has suddenly stopped working after an update, one thing to try is to check if a newer version of Wine is available and install that. This usually gets me out of trouble with my Playonlinux installation.

Eclipse svn commit error: "svn: E200007: CHECKOUT can only be performed on a version resource [at this time]."

Submitted by Druss on Sat, 2017-05-13 00:10

I just ran into the following error while trying to commit (a previously working project) in Eclipse Neon:

svn: E200007: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E200007: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E200007: CHECKOUT can only be performed on a version resource [at this time].
svn: E175002: CHECKOUT request failed on '/svn/foo/!svn/rvr/1337/trunk/site/bar.example'
svn: E200007: Commit failed (details follow):

Garlic and warts

Submitted by Druss on Wed, 2016-10-19 00:36

So I have this weird little growth on my arm and my guess is that it's a wart. I remember someone telling me that rather than going in for ointments and other applications, I should just use garlic. There's a lot of stuff out there on this, but in this write-up, I'm going to only collate information on this subject from reputable (or relatively reputable) sources.

From Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. .243 (Oct. 2003): p53. by Dr. Alan R Gaby: timing out during apt-get/aptitude updates

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2016-09-09 02:23

On a fresh Debian 8 (Jessie) install, I found that I couldn't update the package repository using apt because was always timing out. While I initially thought this was because of a mirroring issue oslt, it turns out that it's because I was trying to access it via the IPV6 that my VPS was using. Turns out that the fix is reasonably straightforward. You simply tell apt not to bother with ipv6 and simply use ipv4 … like so:

echo 'Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4

Finding all URLs in a blogspot/blogger blog

Submitted by Druss on Tue, 2016-06-14 22:22

I recently had to write a script for an app that polled a blog to retrieve content from the latest post. While blog updates are communicated using Atom/RSS feeds, these feeds by default only provide access to the last X items from the blog. The trick to retrieving earlier content is to append ?max-results=1000 to the feed URL to, for example, retrieve the last 1000 posts. I'm sure there's a limit to this number, but it was sufficient in my case.

Hope this helps someone out there.

Aegir: Site backup error "Could not back up sites directory for drupal"

Submitted by Druss on Sat, 2015-12-19 18:08

If you encounter,

Could not back up sites directory for drupal

when trying to back up a site using Aegir, then this is because there are some permission issues with some of the files in the sites directory.

In my case, these files were in the private/temp/ directory. Listing all offending files can be done by the following command:

MongoDB on Linux with pecl "configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL's libraries"

Submitted by Druss on Sun, 2015-12-06 21:29

Edit: Skip this and scroll down for a proper fix!

Just tried installing MongoDB support for PHP on Kubuntu 15.10 via pecl and ran into the following error message which caused the installation to fail:

configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL's libraries

While this can probably be fixed using some magickery, in my case, I did not want SSL support on a dev server. I just wanted to get the fucker up and running. To this end, I discovered that the issue was that I was using:

Missing Skype icon in Kubuntu 15.10 (KDE Plasma 5)

Submitted by Druss on Thu, 2015-11-19 15:13

So if you've just installed or upgraded to the new version of Kubuntu (Wily Werewolf), you will notice that Skype runs fine but does not appear in the system tray as an icon. The workaround to fix this is to install the sni-qt package, but specifically the 32-bit version of the package (as Skype is a 32-bit app). To do this, open a terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install sni-qt:i386

This will also install a dependency. Once this is installed, quit Skype and restart it to find the familiar green check in your system tray.

Changing/customizing MySQL's command prompt

Submitted by Druss on Mon, 2015-10-26 12:10

I wanted to add a timestamp to my MySQL command prompt to keep a track of when the previous command on my screen was executed (my mysql window is open all the time). As per MySQL's docs, this can be done with something like:

mysql>  prompt [\w, \R:\m]> 
PROMPT set to '[\w, \R:\m]> '
[Sun, 12:30]>

(Note that there's a space after the > in the prompt command.)

The other options for the prompt command are:



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