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Eclipse svn commit error: "svn: E200007: CHECKOUT can only be performed on a version resource [at this time]."

Submitted by Druss on Sat, 2017-05-13 00:10

I just ran into the following error while trying to commit (a previously working project) in Eclipse Neon:

svn: E200007: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E200007: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E200007: CHECKOUT can only be performed on a version resource [at this time].
svn: E175002: CHECKOUT request failed on '/svn/foo/!svn/rvr/1337/trunk/site/bar.example'
svn: E200007: Commit failed (details follow):

SVN: Remove/delete .svn directories recursively

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2014-07-18 01:22

Earlier today, I wanted to recover some files that I'd added to version control (for safe keeping). However, I did not want to retain the pesky .svn files that plague every directory in the tree (unlike the wonderful git). GOOG directed me to solutions that all rely on Linux tools to do the trick. The following does work admirably:

SVN: Deleting removed/missing files

Submitted by Druss on Mon, 2011-11-07 22:56

I currently work with an SVN checkout which tracks a separate GIT checkout (for reasons of managerial short-sightedness). When I update my git checkout, I find that the SVN checkout does not like the fact that files deleted by the git update have effectively been removed from the SVN checkout without the use of svn rm. Consequently, it is impossible to commit the updated checkout into the SVN repository.

SVN: changing the URL of the repository in a checkout

Submitted by Druss on Mon, 2011-11-07 22:13

Earlier today, I found myself working with an SVN checkout. As it happened, the repository that the files had been checked out from was no longer responding and upon enquiry, I found out that it had been moved to a different URL. Now, while I could have just as easily created an entirely different checkout of the files using the new URL, considering the local customisations, I looked to see if I could just do something like a live switch. As I found out after some mucking about, switch is certainly the operative word.

TortoiseSVN: Cleanup failed to process the following paths

Submitted by Druss on Wed, 2010-10-13 21:06

When I attempted to make a commit using TortoiseSVN today, I was told that there was a problem and that I would have to run the cleanup command to sort things out. Running the command, however, resulted in the following further error message:
Cleanup failed to process the following paths:

Eclipse + Subversion : RA layer request failed + could not read status line errors

Submitted by Druss on Tue, 2007-06-12 20:17

Server: Apache 2.0.52 + SVN 1.4.3 + mod_dav_svn enabled. Most repositories also use a bunch of post commit hooks to automate tasks.
Client: Eclipse 3.2.2 + stock subclipse callisto install.

Error message:

commit -m "commit message." files
RA layer request failed
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/repo/path/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: PROPFIND of '/repo/path/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read status line: connection was closed by server. (

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