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Error message

Sed: invalid reference \1 on `s' command's RHS

Submitted by Druss on Mon, 2015-07-06 13:46

If you see something like the following error message when you run a sed command:

invalid reference \1 on `s' command's RHS

then it (probably) means that your regex capture group has not been escaped properly.

So, if you are using a command like:

sed "s/foo(bar)[123]/baz\1/"

then it needs to be escaped like so:

sed "s/foo\(bar\)[123]/baz\1/"

In other words, round parentheses/brackets need to be escaped while the square brackets do not :|

Microsoft Virtual CD-ROM: vcdrom.sys "Driver has been blocked from loading"

Submitted by Druss on Tue, 2015-06-23 16:12

I had the misfortune of trying to install Microsoft's "Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel" which creates, well, a virtual CD/DVD-ROM drive that allows you to mount ISO images. There are a number of other programs that do this, but seeing as to how this was a M$ product, free, Window-7 compatible, and light of weight, I decided to give it a whirl. The README.txt that accompanies the installation file provides instructions for the manual addition of the vcdrom.sys driver to the Windows directory.

C# error: InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.

Submitted by Druss on Sat, 2015-05-16 23:54

I was fiddling around with Unity3D (and C#) and I ran into the following error messages:

InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[UnityEngine.UI.Toggle].VerifyState () (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono-runtime-and-classlibs/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/List.cs:778)


MySQL: #1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

Submitted by Druss on Fri, 2015-04-03 01:33

Here I was simply creating a MySQL (5.5) table when suddenly up pops the following error:

#1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

After a little trial and error, I found that since one of my VARCHAR fields was being used for a UNIQUE index, MySQL was basically telling me that it was using too much space. When I reduced the length of this field from its initial 512 setting to 256 & then 255, it still complained. However, reducing it further to 128 fixed the issue!

Desktop effects were restarted due to a graphics reset

Submitted by Druss on Wed, 2015-02-04 01:43

While using Google Chrome on Kubuntu 14.10, the display hung for about 5 seconds before unfreezing with the following notification:

Desktop effects were restarted due to a graphics reset

Once this began occurring with an increasing frequency, I began to do a little digging. Looking through /var/log/kern.log brought the following up:

Eclipse Luna: java: /build/buildd/gtk2-engines-oxygen-1.4.5/src/animations/oxygencomboboxdata.cpp:87: void Oxygen::ComboBoxData::setButton(GtkWidget*): Assertion `!_button._widget' failed.

Submitted by Druss on Mon, 2015-02-02 18:03

After installing the shiny new version of Eclipse entitled 'Luna' on a Kubuntu 14.10 box, I found that it crashed/hung when trying to import/clone a Git repository. Starting the application from the command-line triggered the following notice before the crash:

bash: cannot set terminal process group (3987): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell

Submitted by Druss on Wed, 2014-08-20 19:44

On a new Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) LTS server, I ran into the following:

$ su -c /bin/bash foo
bash: cannot set terminal process group (3987): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell

However, the su procedure worked and I was logged in as user foo.


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